Ten years after the Canadian government passed a law the medical use of marijuana, many doctors who still refuses to sign a declaration of patients need to obtain legal access to the pot - which means that patients in pain risk jail if they use a drug that helps them to function.
Ministry of Health Canada has proposed to remove itself as the arbiter in approving or rejecting an application to have.
Instead, the doctor himself will sign the request.
But the Association of Physicians' said the proposals would have an adverse effect puts greater pressure on MDs to control access to the substance is largely untested and unregulated they know little nothing about, a drug that does not go through the normal regulatory review process. Their licensing body has told doctors that they are not obligated to complete the medical declaration under the current rules and that everyone who chooses to do so should "proceed with caution."
Dr. John Haggie, president of the 75,000-member Medical Association of Canada, said the proposed changes will basically shut down load all the responsibility to monitor the use and marijuana to the doctors who sign authorization - "and they will come out of this type out there, without the infrastructure in around them to assess, to monitor and to find out if they do the right thing.
"I do not think it appropriate or fair," he said.
Analysts said the doctor was afraid to do damage, opening yourself up to legal action and be a "go-to" resource for people looking pot does not alter their pain, but to alter their consciousness.
Haggie said the doctor wanted to fundamental research in a few basic questions - it's safe? Who works for? Who should not use it? But the Conservative government abruptly halted the drug marijuana research program in 2006. According to Health Canada, the government believes clinical research is "best done by the private sector, such as pharmaceutical companies."
Dr. Mark Ware (head of the Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids) said "I can not imagine how government agencies can monitor access (marijuana) program knows that there is very little data out there - on security issues in particular - and not try to stimulate research,
No drug company wants to evaluate smoking marijuana as a medicine, Ware said, because there is no money in it for them. Donor agencies have been less than approachable, he added, because there is little appetite to support studies that involve a product that is often smoked. In clinical language, "They do not see it as a system, a safe drug delivery is feasible," said Ware, director of clinical research at the Alan Edwards Pain Management Unit at the McGill University Health Centre.
Ware said he wondered how much the government's indifference in the study may be associated with the tough-on-crime political agenda - "that somehow facilitate research on medicinal marijuana is a way to receive that might have some value as a drug."
Ware avoids prescribing marijuana for patients with a history of psychosis or schizophrenia, because psychoactive at high doses - and sometimes even therapeutic doses. It can also be dangerous for people with unstable heart disease.
However, there was never any deaths caused by marijuana overdose evidenced in humans, according to Ontario's highest court. Psychological condition when people were smoking marijuana is not like the condition of people who are addicted to alcohol. Marijuana smokers calmer mood, but it will be more aggressive alcoholics. Ware says that for patients for whom he worked, marijuana can reach about 30 per cent reduction in pain intensity.
However, physicians remain vigilant - their main concern becomes: How do I know when a patient seeking a license for a legitimate medical purpose and not just to gain legal access to drugs be outlawed?
Some patients who get authorization for a much higher amount, because doctors do not know that 30 or 40 grams per day can be outside the range of "normal", he said.
Ministry of Health Canada says proposed changes to the program - which will include removing the rights of patients to grow their own supply of marijuana or to appoint a designated farmers, forcing users to get their pot from a licensed commercial producers not - will make the program less complicated for Canadians seriously ill.
Ware says doctors need education and guidance. They will need to know whether patients who came to seek a license for medical pot has been arrested for trafficking or diversion in the past. Production license designated abuse has occurred and Ware believe they should be removed. But a consortium of cannabinoid researchers say that it is not only easier and cheaper for patients to grow their own supply but the act of growing your own "medicine" may be therapeutic in itself. "It gives them a sense of control and ownership and their health care."
What happened in Canada was also happening in America.
In the United States since 1996, there were sixteen states have passed laws legalizing marijuana medis.Sebenarnya United States Federal government wants to legalize marijuana to all nations, but because the laws are still ambiguous eventually many doctors who also refused. The law can not protect 100% of ownership for medical marijuana. They are afraid of dealing with the FBI on charges of illegal possession of marijuana.